I have known Franny McCabe-Bennett for almost eight years and it has always been a joy to work with her. I admire how well organized she is, I know that my volunteer duties will be well defined. I have been volunteering for over nine years for several festivals and theatres including the Toronto Fringe Festival, TIFF, Factory Theatre and Buddies in Bad Times. As an experienced volunteer, what gives me confidence is knowing what I am supposed to do, and Franny lets me know what is expected of me. When Franny calls for volunteers, I am happy to answer. I look forward to seeing her beautiful smiling face and to see what her hair colour is this time.
Lesley Nicholls, Volunteer, various projects since 2010
Current volunteer postings
AACE Conference, May 20-21 2023 |
Want to join the team?
Pop Up Volunteer Network | [email protected]
Get your hands on a lanyard, Sharpie or flashlight by joining our network of volunteers. You will be contacted by email when there is an upcoming event, you can choose your shifts, and letters of reference / a statement of hours worked can be provided. No experience necessary, all supplies provided on site. Volunteers get in free to events scheduled during their shifts!
Get your hands on a lanyard, Sharpie or flashlight by joining our network of volunteers. You will be contacted by email when there is an upcoming event, you can choose your shifts, and letters of reference / a statement of hours worked can be provided. No experience necessary, all supplies provided on site. Volunteers get in free to events scheduled during their shifts!
Volunteer shifts are primarily based in Toronto. If an event is located outside of Toronto, it will be clearly stated in the event notice.
Online AODA Training
If you have not completed Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) training previously or are ready for a brush up, please check out these links to FREE online training:
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Ontario Human Rights Commission